We love hearing from you and have received many great recommendations!
ALL of the portraits have been people that YOU, the Central Coast Community, has recommended. In fact, we can't paint, film, or write fast enough to share enough of the people and their great stories in our community. But we want to get YOUR story out in the world, so we are asking you to contribute your story in writing so that we can share it in addition to our portrait paintings and video.
We are looking for great people whose life would be a great example of a culture found here in the central coast of California.
culture [kuhl-cher]
What is it?
The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another.
So what makes us unique from the rest of the world?
Where can I Find It?
Culture is transmitted through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next.
So who do you know and what's their story?
If you need help writing your story, get in touch with us.