California Culture: Surf History and Beyond
Reynolds Yater
Lesson Subjects: California Culture, Photography, Surfing
Grade: 10th
CCSS: Writing Standards, 1,7,8

Ecology in Our Backyard
Stephanie Mutz
Lesson Concepts: Pacific Ocean, Ecology
Grade Level: Junior High 7-8
CCSS: Language Arts
Tags: sustainability, oceans, ecology, fishing
Interdisciplinary: Art, Social Science

Habitat Change over Time
Dr. Lyndal Laughrin
Lesson Concepts: Natural Science, Ecology, Island Fox, Santa Cruz Island, Non-Fiction Material
Grade: 6th
CCSS: Reading for Lit 6.2,4,7

Not That Famous: The People who Made Post WWII America
Erik and Hans Gregersen
Lesson Concepts: History, Agricultural Technology, Economics
Grade: High School 11-12
CCSS: History 11.8, 11.4

Not Just a Cowboy: Female Ranchers and Fresh Food
Elizabeth Poett Campbell
Lesson Concepts: Ranching, California History
Grade: 2nd
CCSS: History 2.1,2.4

How We Find What We Love - Archeology and Anthropology
Dr. John Johnson
Lesson Concepts: Anthropology, Archeology, Channel Islands, Ancient Civilization
Grade: 6th Grade
CCSS: History 6.1-3

Innovators in Their Field A Discussion Guide
Richard and Thekla Sanford
Lesson Concepts: Innovation, Agriculture, Santa Ynez, Organic Food
Grade: High School 11-12
CCSS: Discussion Guide

Compassionate History
Ernestine DeSoto
Lesson Concepts: California Missions, Soft Skills, California History
Grade: 4th/5th
CCSS: History 4.2

Chumash Past and Present
Kathleen Marshall
Lesson Concepts: Chumash History, cartography, geography
Grade: 3rd
CCSS: History 3.1-4

Respect the Immigrants
Luis Ramirez
Lesson Concepts: Immigration, Art, Agriculture
Grade: High School 9-10
CCSS: History and a changing world, 11.1

Chumash Past and Present
Mike Lopez
Lesson Concepts: Chumash History, cartography, geography
Grade: 3rd
CCSS: History 3.1-4

What We Wear and the Land We Live In
David Dewey
Lesson Concepts: Land Use, Conservation, ESL, Day to Day Tasks
Grade: 4-5
CCSS: Speaking and Listening

Under the Sea . .
Mike and Mimi deGruy
Subject: Natural Science
Lesson Concepts: Ocean, Ecology,Biology, Conservation
Grade: Middle School
CCSS: Speaking and Listening and Writing 6-12

This Land Was Made For You and Me
ElseMarie Petersen
Concepts: Community Structure, Cultural Heritage, American life, Dutch Life, Family, Moving, American and Dutch Folklore
Grade: 1st
Subject: Social Science or CA History
Standards: CCSS 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Class Sessions: 1 to 2